Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Toes, Toes, Toes!

Wildcat was born in Kentucky. He loves to be a barefoot boy. We always tease him that it is his Kentucky heritage. The problem is Kapooka was born in Indiana. She hates socks and shoes even more than her brother. The reason....she adores her toes. We have many games that we play with toes. There is toes, toes, toes which involves just tickling the tops of her toes. There is get Mama's toes, get Dada's toes, get Bubba's toes, and get Nana's toes. There is tickle your own toes. There is point out the toes of the cat. And last but not least there is This Little Piggy.

Now that warm weather is here a wonderful new world has opened for Kapooka...SANDALS! We just got her a pair. She wore them last night for the first time. She would take a few steps then reach down and touch her toes and then laugh with delight. She actually kept the sandals on today while we were out and about for 3 hours, since the previous record was oh 3 minutes, I thought this was great.

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