Friday, August 28, 2009

Allergic Reaction

This is a slow blog week mostly because I had a severe allergic reaction to something I ate (tongue swelling, hives, etc). The hives are still around whenever the Benadryl wears off, so I am spending a lot of time slightly groggy. Today, the hives seems slower in returning (I can go 6-8 hours between Benadryl instead of 4). So...I don't really know much of what went on this week.

Bethany and I have enjoyed dancing to some new CDs we checked out from the library. We liked one so much I ordered it from, so we can listen to it in the car. It was Jessica Harper's Rhythm In My Shoes.

Jon has his first spelling test and Memory Verse quiz of third grade today. He should do great on both.

Paul is sick with a bad cold. That typically happens the first month of school for him, so we aren't too worried...actually not at all.

A pretty normal week around here.

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