Monday, August 31, 2009


We all have them. We use a lot of Kleenex/Puffs. We drink a lot more fluids because our throats are soar. The house is loud at night because we are all snoring...loudly. Sounds like it could be a good children's book.

Tonight was the third grade back to school night. Wildcat had fun playing with his friends on the playground. Since Kapooka had come with me last year to do playground duty most of the kids knew her. Several of the girls played with her a lot tonight. That was really sweet.

Kapooka is perfecting the art of just sitting on the ground, kicking her feet, shaking her head, and shouting NO, NO, NO over and over when she doesn't want to do something. Wildcat is having to learn that we don't let her do this, and we deal with it firmly. He wants to distract her and love on her. He is such a sweetie. However, she can't get that positive attention by that behavior.

While at the playground, Paul is pretty sure that Kapooka said "slide". That would add to her words which are no, mama, dada, nana, grandma, more, dog, cat, and bye. She signs please, thank you, diaper change, phone, and tooth brush. She waves bye and throws kisses.

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