Thursday, July 15, 2010


Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I used an old trick of mine. I listed all of my blessings until I fell asleep. Since I have been battling insomnia, I created quite a long list. I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed. It was good to re-focus and thank God for all the good that He does and the good that He is.

I am also thankful for friends. Several have been over this week, and we've just had fun. Family are calling just to check in and encourage us. One friend sent me such a thoughtful e-mail that I am still digesting it before I write her back but it is helping me wrap my brain a little more productively around some of these transition issues. Another friend pointed out a position that Paul could apply for. I have to say...I would like most of the jobs that Paul has applied for, and probably even end up loving them (being a pastor's wife it is sort of my job too), but this one I am excited about the possibility. It is in a location that we had originally said "NO WAY" to, but it is intriguing enough and has so many positive options for our whole family that I think Paul is going to apply. Even if he doesn't get it, I feel fantastic that I am dreaming a little again, and I don't think I will be crushed.

I just think it is neat that the e-mail from my friend prepared me to even consider the job opportunity possibility from the other friend. The body of Christ is a marvelous thing.

Oh, and the family went swimming today before massive thunderstorms. I took a nap. The mosquitos are so bad that if I even step out the back door I get about 4 bites instantly and look like a chicken pox patient after about 15 minutes. Guess I'm just too sweet, and bug spray doesn't work in the pool. What a blessing that pool has been (again given by another member of the body of Christ). I like naps better than "gator" bites. That is what Kapooka calls mosquito bites.

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